A Limerick consists of five lines:

The first line of a limerick poem usually begins with 'There was a....' and ends with a name, person or place.

The last line of a limerick is normally a little farfetched or unusual.

A limerick should have a rhyme scheme of aabba:

This means lines 1,2 and 5 rhyme and lines 3 and 4 rhyme.

Also, lines 1,2 and 5 should have 7 – 10 syllables and lines 3 and 4 should have 5 – 7 syllables.


Definition from: https://www.youngwriters.co.uk/types-limerick (Accessed 13th February 2014)


The first time I flew on a plane

I said to my friends I would go to Spain.

They asked me 'really?'

and I said quickly:

'I've always wanted to go to Brisbaine.'



There was a commander called Sally,

who had a fucking aching belly.

So he called a chopper

which wasn't that proper.

When it came, it destroyed the valley.



There was a girl who started to cy

'cause she wanted to learn how to fly.

So she jumped from a plane

and started to complain

that she was too high in the sky.



There once was a weird man who was high.

He opened his mouth and tried to fly.

His mouth was too dry,

he started to cry.

Suddenly he was about to die.

                            Evelina & Evelina


There once was a boy who liked the height.

With his girl Jill he booked a flight.

But she was too shy,

she started to cry.

Much she was afraid of the sight.

       Gabija & Enrika & Marytė & Jens


There once was a girl who was called Jacqueline

who wanted to use her trampoline.

In order to try

she jumped up so high

and still tried to play her tambourine.

         Deivydas & Jonas & Marytė & Jens


A boy wants to be in the sky.

When he is there he starts to cry.

It is very loud,

there's also a crowd,

so why would he like to fly?



I flew on a plane to the sky.

The plane was much higher than high.

I caught the left wing,

I felt like a king.

I fell to the ground and started to cry.

                                   Jana &  Marytė


... und nun noch auf Russisch:


Однажды ревела  девочка в самолете

Стюардесса спросила: что ж вы так орёте?

А что ж вы думаете, я в самолете! ?

 И мы летим на авто-пилоте

Вы лучше меня обойдете, а то не дойдете!


Sinngemäße Übersetzung (obwohl der Limerick-Sinn dabei stark leidet):

Es war einmal im Flugzeug ein jammerndes Mädchen.

Die Stewardess fragte: "Wieso schreist du so?"

"Was glauben Sie denn, ich sitze doch im Flugzeug

und wir fliegen auf Autopilot.

Lassen Sie mich lieber in Ruhe, sonst kommen wir nicht an!"

Katrin B.